On Apr 9 2015, under the efforts of all the staff in company, we won Langdong project and Wenzhai project.
Wenzhai and Langdong conservation engineering are located in Congjiang County, Guizhou Province, they are the 7th, and 8thschedule in 12 cascade developing projects.
Wenhai project connects with Yongfu power station upstream, and Langdong project downstream. The capacity is 2*13.5MW of bulb unit, with the total storage capacity 27MW.
Langdong project connects with Wenzhai project upstream, and Darong project downstream, The capacity is 2*11MW of bulb unit, with the total storage capacity 22MW.
These project is mainly for shipping combined with generating, to promote the local economic development. It is another big project after we won Darong project.